Sunday, 26 April 2009

Flu virus outbreak in Mexico

BBC 24th April 09 Experts probe deadly Mexico flu
BBC 25th April 09 Mexico bid to contain deadly flu
BBC 26th April 09 Mexico flu 'a potential pandemic'

Q&A: Swine flu

Flu virus outbreak in Mexico kills 70 and causes fear
The outbreak of swine fever in Mexico has killed nearly 70 people and spread into the United States, raising fears of a global pandemic.
In Mexico, sports stadiums have been empty, schools and museums have shut and public events cancelled.
Mexicans have started wearing surgical masks which soldiers handed out in the streets.
Officials from the WHO said the virus from 12 of the Mexican patients was the same genetically as a new strain of swine flu, designated H1N1
Genetic analysis shows the flu strain is a never-before-seen mixture of swine, human and avian viruses

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